Dr. Gene & Jolie Berry
a short time raising crossbred cows, Gene and Jolie moved to a pure
Longhorn herd in 1981. Appreciating and enjoying the unique Longhorn
traits, they became Lifetime TLBAA members and joined the Ark-La-Tex and
Dixie Longhorn Af liate organizations. In 1989 they worked with other
Ark-La-Tex members to help host the annual TLBAA convention in New
Orleans and a subsequent Cow College 101 event in Ba- ton Rouge directed
by Dr. Bob Kropp of OSU. Gene served as Ark-La-Tex Affiliate President
and two terms on the TLBAA board. He just completed a term serving as
rst Chairman of the Hall of Fame Committee. Practicing medicine for 40
years, he recently retired from his career as a heart surgeon.